F-22 Raptor Gets Sonic Boom The Speed of Sound

 On Wednesday, December 27, 2017  


F-22 Raptor Gets Sonic Boom The Speed of Sound

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor while experiencing sonic boom somewhere in the air. The aircraft seen flew on vertical axis leaving ground. At the moment, F-22 Raptor probably is the most sophisticated jet fighter all of the world.

What is sonic boom? Sonic boom is a sound phenomena related to the shock waves because an object moving through the air faster than speed of sound. At some case, sonic boom generates sound energy, the sound is same like an explosion. Physically, sonic boom oftentimes generates some turbulence and moving smoke surrounding the aircraft. Anyway, speed of sound starts from 1225 kmh or also known Mach 1.

F-22 Raptor Gets Sonic Boom The Speed of Sound 4.5 5 Unknown Wednesday, December 27, 2017 F-22 Raptor Gets Sonic Boom The Speed of Sound Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor while experiencing sonic boom somewhere in the air. The aircraft ...

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