Qantas A380 Get Ready to Takeoff At Sydney Airport

 On Wednesday, January 24, 2018  


Qantas A380 while get ready to takeoff on runway at Sydney International Airport. Look at the huge and long wingspan, those carrying about 500 tonnes of loads. Airbus A380-800 is the world's largest passenger aircraft.

Qantas operating A380 since 2008, per October 2015 they have received 12 A380s out of 20 A380s total orders. Qantas Airbus A380-800 flying more than five intercontinent destinations, such as Sydney - Dubai - London, Melbourne - Dubai - London, Sydney - Los Angeles, Melbourne - Los Angeles, Sydney - Dallas Fort Worth, as well as Sydney - Hong Kong. Sydney - Dallas Fort Worth became the longest flight routes ever at the moment, they flew about 8,500 miles in 15 hours non-stop flight.

Qantas A380 Get Ready to Takeoff At Sydney Airport 4.5 5 Unknown Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Qantas A380 while get ready to takeoff on runway at Sydney International Airport . Look at the huge and long wingspan, those carrying about...

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